Virtual Programming: Friendship
Watch, read, listen and connect with these friendship programs!
Delta Gamma has long known that friendship is a key to happiness, vitality and well-being. That said, different types of friends impact us in different ways – some very positively, while others … not as much. In this webinar, “Vital Friendships – How to Fill Your Cup” led by Sue Stanek, Lambda-Minnesota, sisters learned five different types of friendships and their effect on us. Anticipate the opportunity to do some thoughtful reflection on the types of friendships in your life, the type of friend you are to others and what steps you can take to do good for the friendships in your life.
Sue describes the different type of friendships one can have and how to make those friendships work for you. Examples included the mentor, the pull-down friend, the “80-20 friend,” fan club friends and seasonal friends.
“I think we should take advantage of the way we are wired as women. A friendship should affirm and challenge us in ways that we can’t do ourselves. I challenge each of us to choose wisely and invest accordingly,” Sue said.
The friendship models she speaks of have the goal to have friendships “with no regrets.”
Sue Stanek, Ph.D., is Founder of Inspiring Results, and has 30+ years of successful business experience, including product management, sales, sales management, learning and development, and external consulting. In her first 15 years, Sue led the learning function in two national healthcare organizations, was a product manager for a global learning and development organization, and then served in the roles of sales and sales management, at a global organization providing custom learning solutions for Fortune 500 clients. For the past 15 years, Sue has worked as a leadership consultant and seminar facilitator, with much of her time within the area of leadership and corporate mentoring. Sue’s work has received extremely positive reviews ranging from Hasbro, to General Mills, to The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Sue has received numerous awards, including her work with Menttium to achieve their consultant of the year award at The McGraw Hill Companies.
Watch this webinar:
Jennifer McCreary Ford, Alpha Iota-Oklahoma, is a long-time Fraternity volunteer currently serving on Delta Gamma's Equity Assessment Board and the Third Year Think Tank. In the podcast episode "Sisterhood Beyond Badges" she was joined by friends Katy King, Delta Zeta, and Cindy Munson, Alpha Chi Omega, to talk about sisterhood in its multitude of forms and how to nurture those relationships. During the podcast it was shared, “We’ve continued that friendship 25 or 30 years later almost. I think about those women I met at the University of Oklahoma, and they were really there during those formative years as you’re figuring yourself out as an adult.”
Jennifer added, “I think that’s the thing about collegiate sisterhood, you had those impactful moments and you were figuring out life and they were there beside you.”
Read and Reflect
In October 2020, sisters participated in two programs about the Oath of Friendship. They were not recorded because the discussion centered around private ritual, but the programs utilized can be found in the DG Dialogue program guide in the Library. During the program, collegians and alumnae came together to discuss the Oath of Friendship, its meanings and how it shows up in their daily lives. This worksheet was utilized as a way to reflect on one of our most sacred rituals. Additionally, a podcast by BOT member Maureen Syring, Nu-Idaho, can be found in the library which discusses private ritual. Log in and access the podcast here.
Delta Gamma holds meet-ups which are networking events for alumnae as a way for them to expand their network and virtually connect with other sisters. No preparation needed – just show up, and we'll randomly assign you to breakout rooms to chat with some new (or old) friends. Sign up for a future meet-up and learn more about upcoming events here:
Find all past programs and more on our Connected for Good page!