Name: Emily Nelson, Epsilon Nu-James Madison
Internship position: Archives Intern
Graduation Year: 2017
Major: History
What are your duties?
I’m organizing all the chapter and alumnae histories. I’m also making master lists of them to give to the CDCs to help them when visiting chapters so chapters can update them as needed. I’ve also helped with write ups of the exhibits and helped with the placement of the archives [in the display cases].
What do you hope to take away from this internship?
I really want to be involved in archives so I’m hoping to gain firsthand experience with an actual exhibit and pieces that go into an exhibit. But also, all the people that make this exhibit possible! I hope to network and create lasting relationships with the people from here.
Before you started your internship, what did you expect Executive Offices to be like? Were you right or wrong?
I expected [EO] to be more of a traditional office space and not as ‘homey’ as it is. Everyone is so close knit, and together and not spread apart. I will admit I was wrong, and I love that I was wrong!
What advice do you have for sisters who are interviewing for internships/jobs?
Be yourself! If you’re doing a phone or Skype interview, practice talking in the mirror before. If you smile and have good posture, even while talking on the phone, you will have a better performance.
What is your dream job?
Anything involving museum work or archives in the Smithsonian or based around the civil war. I would love to be on the curation team at the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. I had an internship there last summer and fell in love with it!

Name: Collin Reymann
Internship position: Accounts Payable Assistant
School & graduation year: Hillsdale College, 2019
Major: Economics
What’re your duties?
I direct and account for funds to be used for payments of the chapters residing in the New England, Midwest and Southwest regions.
What do you hope to take away from this internship?
I will learn from practical experience what goes into accounting and the general workings of an international, non-profit accounting firm.
What advice do you have for friends who are interviewing for internships/jobs?
Make it clear to your interviewer that you are ready to work hard, learn fast and help the team, and of course if you get the position, make sure to follow through on that. The work of an intern is very fluid, changing as needs arise, and the objective is always to help your fellow co-workers.
What is your dream job?
I would like to formulate policy and advise our politicians on how to make the government more fiscally responsible and the economy freer and thereby stronger. I believe that is the most effective way for me to help others.
What will you miss the most about working at EO?
It would have to be the people, everyone here is incredibly supportive and it has been an honor working with them.

Name: Alanna Henderson, Alpha Rho-Ohio Wesleyan
Internship position: Member Services Intern
Graduation year: 2018
Major: Journalism
What’re your duties?
Currently I am working on a large scanning project. There are candidate’s lists that date back to the 1950s up to the early 2000s that need to be organized and electronically stored. I’ve also helped with editing and proofreading the ANCHORA and helping with any other tasks other departments need.
What do you hope to take away from this internship?
I have learned so much about Delta Gamma and what our motto really means this summer. I’ve witnessed firsthand what everyone means when they say Delta Gamma is for life and I hope to continue that bond and share it with my Alpha Rho sisters. I also hope to stay in touch with the wonderful sisters who’ve guided me through this internship!
Before you started your internship, what did you expect Executive Offices to be like? Were you right or wrong?
I always thought it was only Delta Gammas who worked in Executive Offices. After working here and meeting everyone, I was proven wrong! And I think it’s awesome that there’s other Panhellenic organizations represented in the office. I think it goes to show how strong the Greek community is beyond college campus’ and that we all share a passion of service, leadership and care.
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to work at Delta Gamma! I have a variety of dream jobs and DG at the top of the list. But I would love to work in a big city and continue to meet new people. I’ve always thought writing for a magazine or working onset of a movie or TV production would be cool.
What will you miss the most about working at EO?
I know everyone has said it already – but I will truly miss the people! After working here, I appreciate what Executive Offices staff does even more. It’s fun to now know who I’m going to be emailing and submitting my e-Ops+ tasks to back on campus. I’m going to miss the conversations I’ve had with everyone – from sharing Delta Gamma stories, to learning about the different departments here, to the recent candle sales at Bath and Body Works. And I love at meetings, there will always be a little ice breaker – I think it’s cool that everyone is always learning something new about each other. Executive Offices truly lives up to the Culture of Care!

Name: Natalie Weirtz, Alpha Omicron-Miami (Ohio)
Internship position: Foundation Accounting Intern
Graduation year: 2020
Major: Accounting Major
Previous DG experience: – Archives Intern (2016), also volunteered in Archives (2015)
What’re your duties?
I’m mainly working on one big project with pledges. It’s a multi-step process because we are working with an outside fundraiser coordinator, who is the one to go out and receive the pledges. When [Delta Gamma] receives those donations, we [compare] the information on what we have versus what they have [in their records]. I’ve been collecting this information and making excel sheets that keep track of it all. It’s a lot of excel sheets on payment projects, donor payment plans, how they are paying or if they have they not paid at all – it’s keeping track of all the totals but now, we will have a more exact number to give to the auditors when they come in the fall.
What do you hope to take away from this internship?
I hope to take away a real-life accounting experience. When you’re studying in school, it’s different reading about it versus doing it. [This internship has] made me realize accounting isn’t so black and white. There are a lot of pieces that need to be in place... It’s given me the ability to use what I’ve learned in class and I think going forward this experience will be helpful to have.
What advice do you have for sisters who are interviewing for internships/jobs?
Just being confident and personable is huge! My professors have always said recruiters are looking for someone who they want to work with. You could be perfect on paper, but if you aren’t connecting when in person, it’s not going to be a strong match. I would say just being organized and being impressive – it’s the little things like having your resume on nice cardstock instead of printing it out on computer paper five minutes before.
What is your dream job?
I would have to say my dream job would be going into tax accounting… or I would love to work with a Big four but I don’t want to do that if it’s not the right fit. I have so many different ideas that I don’t know which one to pick! Someday, I would like to move out of Ohio and move to the South if a job took me there. I’ve dreamt up some crazy dreams! I think it could be awesome to somehow work with Disney or a record studio, I love music and movies. It’d be cool to have my job take me places - the sky is the limit!
What will you miss the most about working at EO?
I will miss seeing my mom every day! Last summer, we were both upstairs and we always ran into each other. Now this summer, being downstairs, I’ll see her just in the morning, during lunch and after work. I still feel independent but it’s fun seeing her! I think it’s also fun to work with sisters and meet Delta Gammas who aren’t in the same chapter… It’s awesome to have this kind of support system in the Greek community… The community aspect in Executive Offices is special.