the Delta Gamma Blog

Each year, a select group of Delta Gamma members have the distinction of celebrating membership milestones. Last fiscal year, we proudly recognized  3,217 twenty-five year members and 1,594 fifty year members, but perhaps the most inspiring statistic was the number of Delta Gamma women who celebrated 75 years of membership in our beloved Delta Gamma. 

To achieve 75 years of Fraternity membership brings with it a very special recognition. An alumna reaching this precious milestone receives the Fraternity’s traditional gift of a cream-colored silk rose and a personal letter from the Fraternity president. This past spring, Fraternity President Stacia Rudge Skoog, Beta Zeta-Denison, sent out 230 silk roses, each with a warm letter of congratulations. 

Patricia “Pat” Skoles Downard, Alpha Lambda-Drake, was one of those special sisters who received her treasured silk rose and letter. Art Downard, Pat’s Anchor Man of 70 years, took the time to write Staci to tell her the impact this beautiful gesture had on his wife and how Delta Gamma truly continues to be something Pat cherishes to this day.

When Staci shared this letter with the Delta Gamma Fraternity Council and Foundation Board of Trustees, I knew I needed to call Art to ask his permission to share his heartfelt words with all of you. My conversation with Art and Pat clearly was one of the most beautiful moments I have had in some time. Bless this precious Delta Gamma and her Anchor Man.

Pat is our Delta Gamma sister. We are all united heart to heart with a bond stronger than anyone of us can describe…with the humbling realization that no matter how many years difference in one’s Initiation date, we are sisters and will be for a lifetime. I am deeply privileged to be Pat’s sister and I am honored to be yours. Join me as we take this gift of sisterhood and spend our lives living the vision of our Founders with integrity, purpose and character with the lovely thought that there is a cream-colored silk rose in our future.

Love In the Bonds,

