the Delta Gamma Blog

Another season of travel has come to an end for our Collegiate Development Consultants, but we know that the end of a CDC journey is just the beginning of the lifelong journey as a Delta Gamma alumna. We asked our 2018-2019 consultants about the impact alumnae had on their collegiate years, their CDC experience and their future as engaged alumnae members. See what they had to say:

“The connections I made with my collegiate advisers has extended beyond my time as a collegian and they remain my support system no matter where I am in the country. Living life constantly on the road, I do not know what I would do without the mentors I have gained through Delta Gamma. These role models have made me want to be that mentor figure for the next generation. My time with DG did not stop with graduation, but rather my advisers were my inspiration to continue giving back to this sisterhood.” – Anna Weeks, Beta Upsilon-Oregon State

Individual alumnae serve as champions for collegians as mentors, advisers and role models. After graduation, these bonds continue as alumnae groups are some of the first to welcome young alumnae, wherever they are in the world.

"The alumnae I met during my college experience were my role models, and the women who encouraged me to pursue the opportunity to be a CDC. Thanks to their support, I have spent a year traveling the country and meeting Delta Gammas from all walks of life. One of the most incredible parts of my job is experiencing the hope and joy that Delta Gamma brings us all, although it presents itself in different ways. I look forward to the rest of my lifetime membership with Delta Gamma because of the incredible women it brings me." – Quinn Martz, Beta Gamma-Utah

Alumnae plant the seeds of leadership that inspire collegians to be engaged after graduation. When collegians connect with an alumna, including alumnae like CDCs and volunteers, they see a picture of membership and engagement beyond the campus level.

“I would not be where I am today without the support of the advisers and alumnae I worked with as a collegian and am still friends with today! They supported me throughout my leadership journey and continue to be role models for me today. It’s because of them that I will continue to serve Delta Gamma for years to come!” – Alyssa Ciango, Delta Beta-Kentucky

"Delta Gamma provided me with such extensive leadership training, professional experience, and personal development throughout my collegiate experience that I felt moved to give back to the Fraternity that has given me so much!”- Mallory Powers, Epsilon Mu-William & Mary

The Delta Gamma alumnae network is vast, reaching generations of Delta Gammas around North America and beyond. This network is exciting to discover when you’re travelling or moving to a new city. 

“I have a new appreciation for the alumnae-side of the DG experience because I have met so many incredible alumnae across the country who continue to be role models and mentors for me. Our commitment to lifelong service to Delta Gamma is more important than I ever imagined, and I’m so thankful I’ve been able to serve DG as a CDC.” – Jordan Rawlinson, Delta Kappa-South Florida

This year's CDCs were greatly encouraged and influenced by alumnae sisters. While traveling, they relied on sisters who served as mentors to them throughout their collegiate experience and beyond. 

Delta Gamma’s alumnae are vital to the future of our Fraternity and inspire sisters to pursue their goals, be leaders and give back. These CDCs are just a handful of the members who shared how alumnae have positively impacted their experience.

Your involvement and alumnae per capita dues directly impact our young leaders and allow the continuation of our CDC program. Supporting this program is one way you can strengthen our legacy today. Click here to pay your $29 per capita dues and click here to find a volunteer opportunity near you. Thank you, alumnae, for strengthening our legacy!
