the Delta Gamma Blog

Get to know Council Trustee Dr. Amy Ayres


During Convention 2020 in June, we installed a new Council member. Dr. Amy Ayres, Alpha Iota-Oklahoma, is our new Council Trustee: Collegians. Amy has previously served the Fraternity in numerous ways, including most recently, as Fraternity Director: Chapter Development. Get to know Dr. Amy Ayres!

Q: What are some of your hobbies/ what do you like to do for fun? 
A:  Bargain shopping. Flea markets, estate sales, yard sales, auctions … you name it. I love finding treasures that someone once loved and giving it a new home - at a great price!


Q: What did you want to be when you grew up when you were in Kindergarten? 
A:  I’m pretty sure I wanted to be Wonder Woman. Strong, smart and always wearing lipstick.


Q: What is your biggest pet peeve? 
A: This is so easy ... when people throw gum on the ground. Stepping in melted chewing gum is the worst.


Q: If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be? 
A:  Grease! The innocence of Sandy, the toughness of Rizzo, the coolness of Danny, the sweetness of Frenchy and the music … I love all of it!


Q: When you are having a bad day, how do you lift your spirits?
A:  A Route 44 Sonic Diet Coke with Vanilla


Q: What is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you? 
A:  The luckiest thing for me was where I ended up sitting at an OU softball game in 2014. With my junior high niece in tow to watch the Sooners, we sat next to the person who would later become my life partner. It was unsuspecting and so, so lucky. 


Q: What do you miss most about your childhood? 
A:  Living in the country and filling my time by being outdoors … riding my Honda 50 motorcycle, checking on the farm animals, bird watching, exploring nature. 
