Delta Gamma alumnae have the opportunity to make lasting impressions on our collegiate members by guiding them, encouraging them and showing them that Delta Gamma truly is “for life.” Through their roles as chapter advisers, alumnae officers, house corporation board members, regional team members, etc. they work to continue the strong legacy of Delta Gamma. Our 2017-18 Collegiate Development Consultants (CDCs) shared how alumnae impacted their collegiate experience.
Chrissy Strangie, Beta Sigma-Maryland
CDC Chrissy (right) and Tori Shay cheering on the Terrapins.
Entering freshman year of college, I made a transition from a 1,200-person high school to a 30,000-person university. It became easy to feel alone, and I faced difficulties being 8 hours from home. I was however very fortunate to have a new member adviser to help me with my course load and University of Maryland experience. Post-recruitment, my new member adviser became so much more. My relationship with alumna, Tori Shay, is part of the reason I joined Delta Gamma, and certainly part of the reason I stayed. Tori exemplified the sentiment of life-long membership and always found ways to give back to our beloved chapter. Tori served on both the advisory board team, as well as Beta Sigma's house corporation. Tori was consistently there to empower me through difficult situations, as well as become the older sister I never had. She continues to support me through all of life's ups and downs, and I am so thankful that Delta Gamma brought me to her.
Tori Shay, Beta Sigma-Maryland, currently serves Beta Sigma as the membership adviser, new members adviser and house corporation president. She also serves as the vp: programming for the Baltimore alumnae chapter. She began her involvement as an alumna volunteer in 2014 after graduating in 2013.
Madi Bass (left) and Katie Corradini at Eta Phi-NYU's installation.
I would not be a Delta Gamma today if it were not for Elena Lofton. As a CDC, Elena assisted in the establishment of Eta Phi chapter at NYU, where I became a member. She encouraged me to apply for the position of vp: social standards and, upon receiving the position, helped me with my transition. Elena exhibits all the qualities of character and friendship that a Delta Gamma should, and I was able to recognize that as soon as I met her.
As vp: social standards of a newly established chapter, I relied on our Honor Board adviser quite a bit. Katie Corradini was so helpful and really shaped my experience during those formative months of my membership.
The ATC of my chapter, Mary Gratton, is still one of my closest sisters in Delta Gamma. It is because of Mary that I was the member I was in college, that I applied to be a CDC and that I continue to see the value in life-long membership as an alumna.
Elena Lofton, Delta Pi-Southern Mississippi, currently serves as the Honor Board adviser for her own chapter of initiation. She was a two-term CDC. This is her first year volunteering.
Katie Corradini, Epsilon Gamma-Virginia, currently serves Delta Phi-UC Irvine as their Honor Board adviser. She has previously served as Eta Phi-NYU’s Honor Board adviser and was also a CDC. She began volunteering locally in 2016.
Mary Gratton, Zeta Alpha-Villanova, still serves as the ATC for Eta Phi. She also serves as the New Chapter Coordinator (NCC) for Eta Phi. She has served locally in numerous positions since 2012.
From 2017 OTS, Liz (center) is with Lauren Ashley O'Connell (left) and Mary Vale Jensen (center), the RAS for region 3 who served as COA for Eta Delta and was another huge, positive impact on Liz's collegiate experience.
Having relationships with Delta Gamma alumnae has made me the woman that I am today. One of my favorite Delta Gammas and role models is Mary Jensen. When I joined Delta Gamma, Mary took notice of skills and qualities I had that would make me an excellent leader. Mary encouraged me and helped me foster my skills to become a better sister and leader. Without Mary’s guidance, I truthfully do not think that I would be half the woman that I am today. Mary has taught me to be bold, kind, level-headed and resourceful. Mary is the most amazing type of leader. She leads by doing rather than saying and truly lives out Delta Gamma values every day of her life.
Mary Vale Jensen, Eta Delta-North Florida, currently serves as a Regional Collegiate Specialist (RCS) for Region 3, as well as the alumnae collumnae chair for the Jacksonville alumnae chapter. She began volunteering with Delta Gamma in 2013.
CDC Madison (center), Teresa Pond (right) and Lexie Maschoff (left) at 2017 Founders Day. Lexie and Teresa were also CDCs and initiates of Beta Gamma-Utah.
One story that comes to mind when I think of a relationship I developed with an alumna when I was a collegian is with Teresa Pond. In my eyes, few Delta Gamma legends can rival the authentic and genuine spirit that is this sister. Though we are fellow Beta Gamma initiates, she had graduated by the time I entered the chapter as a collegian, but she was far from removed in her involvement. What I find most special about this relationship is that I met Teresa outside of the fraternal world, and we crossed paths through the mutual involvement of a club on campus. This is one of my most treasured alumna connections I have made in Delta Gamma because it reminds me that our sisters are everywhere… everywhere and not hard to find or connect with. Teresa and I immediately collided on a plethora of levels when I first met her, and we continue to do so, because we align with the same values this sisterhood is founded upon. She is someone who challenges me to be my best, and I constantly strive to embody half of the incredible characteristics she effortlessly exudes every day.
Teresa Pond, Beta Gamma-Utah, currently serves as the ATC for Beta Gamma, an ASTP Facilitator, the Collegiate Recruitment Consultant (CRC) for Delta Omega-William Woods and the vp: Foundation for the Salt Lake City alumnae chapter. She began volunteering in 2015 after serving as a CDC.
CDC Meghan (left) with Laura Twedt.
My chapter, Zeta Gamma-Richmond, is lucky to have some of the best advisers in the Fraternity - although I am of course biased! Our former ATC, Laura Twedt, Delta Iota-Georgia, was always available to offer support, guidance, and encouragement. Our Honor Board Adviser Sarah-Keel Crews, Epsilon Nu-James Madison, brought us doughnuts before a particularly challenging schedule of Formal Hearings. Our former Collegiate Recruitment Consultant and current ATC, Eryn King, Epsilon Nu-James Madison, challenged our chapter to view recruitment in new ways and has supported us as we bolstered our recruitment efforts and were removed from our report status within the Fraternity. These women, along with many others, cheered from the sidelines and equipped us with the tools and resources to guide our chapter toward positive growth. Their support, guidance, enthusiasm and humor boosted our spirits on difficult days and consistently reminded me of the "why" behind Delta Gamma.
These women taught me about the lifelong commitment that is membership in Delta Gamma, and their dedication to our Fraternity years after graduating college has inspired me to be an active alumna as well. As a collegiate officer in my chapter, I could turn to these women for advice and guidance, knowing that they would be there for me both as an adviser and as a sister. They have also encouraged me to pursue my potential; I would never have become chapter president or a CDC if it weren't for their encouragement and support!
Laura Twedt, Delta Iota-Georgia, is currently serving as a Regional Collegiate Specialist (RCS) for Region 3. She has previously served as the ATC for both Zeta Gamma-Richmond and Zeta Nu-Montevallo. She began volunteering in 2013.
Sarah-Keel Crews, Epsilon Nu-James Madison, currently serves as the Honor Board adviser for Zeta Gamma-Richmond. This is her first volunteer position after graduating in 2015.
Eryn Wall King, Epsilon Nu-James Madison, currently serves as the ATC for Zeta Gamma-Richmond. Previously, she has served as a Collegiate Recruitment Consultant (CRC) and membership adviser for Zeta Gamma. She began volunteering in 2013 after graduating in 2011.
Delta Gamma is committed to helping our alumnae rediscover, re-engage and reconnect. Rediscover Delta Gamma by learning what is going on in the DG world and read the most recent edition of the ANCHORA here. Consider becoming a volunteer to re-engage with DG. You can fill out the Local Volunteer Interest Form here. Reconnect by reaching out to past advisers that have impacted your Delta Gamma experience or to your sister who always offered a supportive shoulder.
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